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Friday, June 12, 2009

The Promise of Recovery

Okay, I've gotten some inquiries these past few days. They've all centered around my recent publishing of a Celebrate Recovery testimony. Basically, the writers want to know if they can expect the same testimony from Celebrate Recovery if they engage in it. (The answer, of course, is "No." God works in each of us differently.)

So what is the promise of Celebrate Recovery? What will it give me? Eventually, Celebrate Recovery will help you gain victory over whatever it is that troubles you. But more importantly is who it helps you become. Those are two important words ... victory and who. What is victory? Who are you? How does God define victory? How does God want to define you?

King David said in Psalm 17:3, "Though you probe my heart and examine me ... , though you test me, you will find nothing." Was he perfect or sinless? Of course not. He later spent most of Psalms 32 and 51 telling us what a wretched sinner he was! Had he changed his mind? No. So what was up with King David? How is that relevant to the promise of recovery?

What King David had was an understanding of his relationship with God. He knew who he was in Christ. He knew the God that lives in His people. David freely acknowledged and confessed his sins. He constantly sought God. His relationship with God was one of close fellowship, constant repentance and forgiveness.

David's claim to goodness was based on his continual seeking of God. It was based on his being grounded in the truth. He knew that Romans 7 and Romans 8 were both true at the same time. And he daily lived out those truths. This is where Celebrate Recovery will take you ... if you allow it.

So how do I make Celebrate Recovery work for me? You must participate. There are no exceptions. It's not a book, a program or a quick fix. You must be engaged and stay that way. Go to the worship and teaching hour at your local CR church. Stay for the open share small groups. Sign up for and complete a step study.

In other words - work the program. It is a discipleship program. It can change your life. But you'll never be transformed by something in which you're not engaged and committed.

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