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Monday, September 12, 2011

Persecuted Christians

I've blogged before about the values-based buying that I think we should all embrace.  It would mean buying and doing business preferentially with people who share our values.  Moreover, after reading how God told the Israelites to make no treaties with people who didn't share their values ... I'm convinced the consequences of such laxness are sure and dire in the end.

So two of our country's biggest trading partners are India and China.  I was stunned recently to read a report that Christians are attacked in India more frequenty than in any other country of the world!  (Source: Voice of the Martyrs)  Really.  Still, we send our call centers and software development happily to India.  Never mind that it's a Hindu nation where the vast majority of people don't recognize our God.  They have to go on and actually physically attack those who serve the one true God.

Of course, then there's China.  We've set them to manufacturing nearly everything we use - from computers to clothes and toys, plastics and steel, even food.  And American companies are investing in China like there's no tomorrow.  We see it as an enormous market potential to be tapped.  But let's look at some key facts about China.

In China, a woman recently received a 15-year prison sentence for publishing a Christian magazine.  The only Christian publications allowed are those of the state Protest Church (TSPM) and the state Catholic Church (CPCA).

In China, someone recently received a 3-year prison sentence for printing and selling Bibles.  The Chinese government permits only one Bible printing company ... which doesn't produce enough Bibles and cannot distribute them in the rural areas where no state churches exist (and house churches aren't allowed).

There are about 50 nations in the world now that are openly hostile to Christianity and/or severely restrict its practice.  Does anyone but me think it would be a good idea for us to "no make treaties" with such people?

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